Q: Can we shop online at Safina Plaza?
A: Currently, Safina Plaza offers an exclusive in-store shopping experience. To explore new and upcoming brands, visit us at Safina Plaza on Infantry Road, Bangalore.
Q: Which sale is currently ongoing at Safina Plaza?
A: The current sale details are not provided. For the latest information on ongoing sales or events, please stay tuned to our official page.
Q: When is the Loveable Sale at Safina Plaza?
A: The dates for the Loveable Sale are not confirmed yet. Please keep an eye on our page for updates on upcoming sales and events.
Q: Can I make a purchase at Safina Plaza?
A: Yes, you can make purchases at Safina Plaza. Visit our store on Infantry Road, Bangalore, to explore a variety of brands and products.
Q: When is the Prestige Sale at Safina Plaza?
A: The dates for the Prestige Sale are not confirmed at the moment. Stay tuned to our page for announcements regarding upcoming sales and events.
Q: Can you provide the location of Safina Plaza?
A: Greetings from Safina Plaza! We are located on Infantry Road in Bangalore. Come and visit us to experience a wide range of shopping options.
Q: Is there parking available at Safina Plaza?
A: Yes, Safina Plaza offers parking facilities for visitors. You can park conveniently while enjoying your shopping experience at our location on Infantry Road.
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